Although home decoration is a very personal experience, many perspectives are actually the same. The results of a new experiment conducted in the US, when 1,000 people were asked about the decorating decisions they liked the most and the ones they were most uncomfortable with, support this argument.
Çıkan sonuçların en ilginç kısmı ise, kadın ve erkeklerin konu hakkındaki fikirlerinin %85 oranında aynı paydada buluşması. (Toplumun bize dayattığı farklı algıların aslında çoğu zaman gerçeği yansıtmadığını da bu sayede görebiliyoruz; erkeklerin mavi renge eğilimleri ve kadınların pembe renge olan aşkları gibi).
Question: How Should Curtains Be Hanged?
Answer: It should end flush with the ground and be hung high.
Extending the curtains to the floor without finishing flush with the windows and placing them in a prominent position in the room stands out as the most popular curtain hanging method.
Question: Which is the Most Attractive Kind of Pillows?
Answer: It should be left as it is, without fluffing it up.
As most people agree, fluffing up pillows is an unnecessary decorative touch. It is believed that the pillows looking puffy do not have any aesthetic meaning.
Question: What Color Should Kitchen Countertops Be?
Answer: Countertops should be as dark as possible.
The strong contrast created by dark colored countertops in a space is quite impressive for many people. The material choice is granite or wood, and the trend is towards granite.
Question: How Should Tables Be Positioned?
Answer: Paintings should definitely be hung on the wall.
Using paintings leaning against the wall is actually a common choice for many people. Even though it strengthens the sense of depth in spaces, the visual appearance of the paintings on the wall is more appreciated.
Question: How Should Lighting Pendants Be Grouped?
Answer: Pendants should be grouped in groups of three.
There is a common belief that using not only lighting pendants but also decoration products in general in groups of three is more pleasing to the eye.